Standing Ovation | Filipino sings old song and amazed the judges AGT VIRAL SPOOF
AGT Standing Ovation
Memories Of Our Dreams by @ayamtv
Americas Got Talent Parody
Americas Got Talent Spoof
AyamTV Viral Spoof
AyamTV Viral Parody
Got Talent Spoof
AyamTV Funny Parody
Americas Got Talent Spoofing
Oldies But Goodies
Eddie Peregrina Song
AyamTV Cover
Note: The background stage is edited only however it is an original voice of AyamTV who made a cover of Memories Of Our Dreams popularized by OPM jukebox king Eddie Peregrina.
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3. This video is not associated with any company or product/s mentioned on the video.
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#spoof #agt #ayamtv #trending #parody #viral